I am logging my experiences and knowledge about Machine Learning, Software Engineering and Interesting Research Areas in this personal blog.
About Me
I am currently enrolled into MSc. Computer Science program at Lakehead University and I will be graduating in Fall 2024.
I have experience of almost 4 years in working as Machine Learning Engineer at Fusemachines Inc. from December 2019 to August 2023, where my reposnibility included working on Production ML System, Distributed Computing and Optimization.
I have worked on Computer Vision Projects like Statistical Shape Modelling, Object Localization, Object Detection and Semantic segmentation, Face recognition and Facial landmark localization. Besides these, I have worked on NLP projects like Text Similarity, Named Entity Recognition, Text Classification and Data Mining. I have also created different customized solutions for Full Text Search on Unstructured data using Elasticsearch and Redis.
Before this, I have done internship as AI Engineer at EightSquare Infotrans where I worked on Computer Vision Solutions for mobile devices.
My superpower is good listening and curiosity due to which I am able to learn alot from my talented colleagues and friends in-addition to my own learning path. I am a self-motivated and self-learner.